Labs & Freezers

Laboratories are an important part of what we do at 大象影院.聽 They also use a lot of resources and generate significant amounts of waste.聽 See below for how we work with labs on campus.

Leap Logo 2021About the Lab Efficiency Action Program (LEAP)

Lab Efficiency Action Program or LEAP incentivizes labs to be more efficient and sustainable while prioritizing the integrity of the research.聽 LEAP was created to promote laboratory best practices, conserve resources, save both research and university dollars, and involve labs in sustainability efforts on campus.聽 To date we have awarded, $42,000 to labs for participating in the program.聽 See the brochure here or you can learn more about LEAP here and how you can get involved.

Freezer Resources for Labs

  • Freezer/Fridge Monitoring – Facilities Management sponsored the establishment of a campus-wide freezer monitoring system through Rees Scientific.聽 The program is now managed by Research Core Labs.
  • Freezer Defrost Kit – Cleaning a freezer?聽 We have a kit available which includes a mop and bucket, gloves, ice scraper/brush, coolers, and plastic containers.聽 Contact Office of Sustainability to use the kit.
  • Financial Assistance for Efficiency Upgrade – Since 2016, we have offered financial assistance (between $1000 to $3000) to upgrade to more energy efficient freezers.聽 THIS PROGRAM IS CURRENTLY ON HOLD.聽